Honorary and memorial gifts

VCU Massey Comprehensive Cancer Center invites you to honor or remember a loved one impacted by cancer. Celebrate a mother, father, grandparent, friend or other loved one with a donation to Massey to support lifesaving cancer research, treatment and care. Together, we will create more tomorrows by imagining a future without cancer.

Summer Bloom

1. Summer Bloom

Spring Bloom

2. Spring Bloom

Fall Bloom

3. Fall Bloom (watercolor)

Winter Bloom

4. Winter Bloom

Garden Bloom

5. Garden Bloom

Massey Comprehensive Cancer Center

6. Massey Comprehensive Cancer Center

Golden Sphere

7. Fall Bloom (pattern)

  • 1 Select Your Tribute Card
    • Select the number of tribute cards you would like to send; you will be able to select among the seven card options, as well add the name(s) of person(s) you want to honor and whom to notify. If you would like to send more than five cards, contact Robinette Tiller, senior coordinator of annual giving, at (804) 828-0034 or rmtiller@vcu.edu for more information.

      • Person to notify of tribute:
    • $0.00
  • 2 Additional donation
  • 3 Contact information
  • 4 Billing information
  • Click submit to securely enter your payment information.