Documentary premiere: A National Ovation to Governor Wilder
The stage will be set for Governor Wilder’s 93rd birthday, marked by the premiere of a documentary film offering deeply personal insight into Governor Wilder’s life, revealing memories, passions and the experiences that forged the man behind the legend. The event, located on the Virginia Union University's campus, is open to the public and there is no cost to attend.
When: 5 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 17
Where: Claude G. Perkins Living and Learning Center, 1500 N. Lombardy St.,
Richmond, Virginia 23220
Questions? Contact Pam Cox, events and messaging strategist, at (804) 827-2168 or coxp3@vcu.edu.
This event is one part of our celebration for Governor Wilder. We are also hosting A National Ovation Gala in Washington, D.C., on Saturday, Jan. 20.