Honor a personal Shining Knight

The Shining Knight Gala honors individuals who protect and save lives in central Virginia.

Many of the individuals recognized as Shining Knights might not know how appreciated they are without this special evening.

In the spirit of celebrating those who make a difference in each of our lives, the Personal Shining Knight Honor Wall lets you honor your Shining Knights through a $50 contribution. The honor wall will be located on the Shining Knight Gala’s website and will appear in the printed program* for the gala.

These Shining Knights can be EMS providers, nurses, physicians, members of the clergy, community members, family members or anyone else who has served the role of Shining Knight in your life.

Names of Shining Knights will be listed alphabetically and those honoring their Shining Knights will have the option to remain anonymous or have their name shared as well.

By supporting the Shining Knight Gala, you help sustain vitally important injury and prevention programs in the central Virginia community. Without private support, these life-changing and lifesaving programs would not be sustainable. We appreciate your support of our mission of preventing injury and violence.

* All personal Shining Knights will appear on the Shining Knight Gala website’s honor wall.

Registration is closed.